School Values – Courage, Courtesy, Creativity, Integrity, Resilience, Respect, Wisdom
Vision Statement
The central aim of the school is to encourage the development of each girl’s inner resources, so that she acquires the wisdom and integrity to make positive choices in a rapidly changing world. Most importantly, girls to leave our school as well-qualified, confident, caring and happy members of their community, equipped to be capable of supporting themselves financially, contributing economically and socially to wider communities.
We strongly believe that all students are individual and that all should pursue excellence and develop their talents in academic, creative, physical and social skills.
We provide an environment in which learning can flourish and be enjoyed not just as a means to good academic results but as an interest for life, motivated by the school’s commitment to provide the girls with access to a full range of study and enrichment experiences.
Curriculum Intent
To develop, sustain and annually review a rich, broad, balanced and rounded curriculum which:
- Creates an aspirational, high-achievement culture
- Takes into account individual needs and styles
- Develops resilience in academic study, supports wise choices and fosters good physical and mental health
- Unlocks the potential of all students regardless of their background
- Raises standards of attainment across all subjects and promotes female representation in science, technology, engineering and maths careers
- Actively promotes equality and diversity in the local and wider community and engenders mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
- Allows students to learn skills alongside a firm foundation of knowledge, with particular focus on,
- interleaving and retrieval to aid memory and recall, encouraging deep learning
- equipping students with extensive vocabulary.
For more information about the implementation please refer to our curriculum policy.
The curriculum policy above provides basic information on subjects and teaching time. For more detail on each subject please select from the list under More in Curriculum.
Information about the Post 16 Curriculum can be found in the Sixth Form area of the website.