Religious Studies
“The unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates
It is our intent in Religious Studies to provoke challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Studying religion develops students’ knowledge and understanding of principal religions, other religious traditions and other world views that offer answers to questions such as these. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development. It enhances students’ awareness and understanding of religions and beliefs, teachings, practices and forms of expression, as well as of the influence of religion on individuals, families, communities and cultures.
Religious Studies encourages students to learn from different religions, beliefs, values and traditions while exploring their own beliefs and questions of meaning. It challenges students to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics and to communicate their responses.
Religious Studies encourages students to develop their sense of identity and belonging. It enables them to flourish individually within their communities and as citizens in a pluralistic society and global community. This actively promotes equality and diversity in the local and wider community and engenders mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Religious Studies has an important role in preparing students for adult life, employment and lifelong learning. It enables students to develop a respect for and sensitivity to others, in particular those whose faiths and beliefs are different from their own. It promotes discernment and enables students to combat prejudice. In Religious Studies we recognise the changing nature of society, including changes in religious practice and expression, and the influence of religion in the local, national and global community.
Religious Studies actively promotes the values of truth, justice, respect for all and places emphasis on:
students valuing themselves and others
the role of family and the community in religious belief and activity
the celebration of diversity in society through understanding similarities and differences
sustainable development of the earth.
The Religious Studies curriculum at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School aims to provide opportunities for all students irrespective of social background, culture, race, religion, gender, differences in ability and disabilities.
Create an aspirational achievement culture encouraging students to learn and achieve.
Provide a stimulating, interesting and enjoyable experience of the subject.
Develop the knowledge, skills and understanding for the best possible progress and attainment.
Develop independent and interdependent learning
Make a contribution to students skills in literacy
Promote an enquiring approach in which students carefully consider issues of beliefs and truth in religion.
Enhance the capacity to think coherently and consistently, enabling students to evaluate thoughtfully their own and others’ views in a reasoned and informed manner.
Promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.
Enable students to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures and how these impact on individuals, communities, societies and cultures. Religious Studies seeks to develop students’ awareness of themselves and others. This helps students to gain a clear understanding of the significance of religions and beliefs in the world today and learn about the ways different faith communities relate to each other.
Promote religious understanding, discernment and respect and challenge prejudice and stereotyping.
Exploring the significance of the environment, both locally and globally, and the role of human beings and other species within it.
Promotion of self worth helps students to reflect on their uniqueness as human beings, share their feelings and emotions with others and appreciate the importance of forming and maintaining positive relationships.
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
Details of the Key Stage 4 Religious Studies subject content and examination board.
Key Stage 5 Curriculum
Full details can be found on our Sixth Form Subjects Offered page.