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Staff List



Mrs Violet Walker

Senior Deputy Headteacher

Mr David Jones

Deputy Headteacher Ms Colette Abimbola

Assistant Headteachers

Mr Kenneth Laing

  Mrs Claire Albrecht
  Mrs Tracie Parker


Mr David Robson


Ms Sonal Shah   

Associate Assistant Headteachers


Mrs A Campbell 

Mr O Awofadeju (maternity cover)

  Ms T Sharma

Head of Sixth Form

Deputy Head of Sixth Form


Ms Sonal Shah

Ms Shashi Knott


Head of Year 11

Mrs H Barney

Head of Year 10

Mr O Baxter

Head of Year 9

Mr C Reay

Head of Year 8

Miss H Nunziata

Head of Year 7

Mrs J Doel


Heads of Department



Art & Design


Mrs N Beavis

Careers (CEAG)   Ms M St Ledger



Mr K Ali

Design Technology


Mr R Petrie



Mrs J Ford



Mrs N Madigan & Mrs C Kenney-Dwyer



Mr M Clarkson



Mr M Clarkson



Ms A Barral



Mrs Y Khodabacus

Media Studies


Mr N Royden and Mr M Alam



Ms E Coy 



Ms M St Ledger

Physical Education

  Ms K Kantorowicz

Religious Studies


Ms C Manolopoulou



Mrs H Myrtle

For Teacher in Charge of please contact:

Business Studies Ms G Warrington
Economics Ms M Tsang
Politics Mr O Baxter
Psychology Miss M St Ledger
Sociology Mr D Blyth

Other key roles:

Compliance and Safety Manager Mr S Pope

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Mr D Jones

Data  & Exams Manager

Mrs S Turek

IT Operations Manager

Mr D Murphy

SENCO Mrs T Parker