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As a school we are united in the belief that every child, regardless of academic or physical difficulties, has the right to take part in and enjoy every aspect of school life. We believe that our day to day work supports this ideal. We will work in partnership with parents, staff and students to make this commitment a reality.

The kinds of SEN for which we provide:
Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School is an inclusive, mainstream girls’ school located in the London Borough of Barnet.  We aim to include all students with Special Educational Needs and Disability, however the configurations of the buildings may limit what reasonable adjustments can be made and therefore there are limitations for some students with particular physical disability.

Students are deemed to have special educational needs if they:
We make provision for students under the categories outlined in the SEN Code of Practice 2014 as those having needs under the umbrella of cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social, emotional and mental health, sensory and physical need.

Our Inclusion Team

Named Trustee for SEN
Toyin Aderoju

Ceri Matty


Senior Learning Mentor
Jackie Stewart

Documents and Policies

Other Information

Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education:
Parents of students with identified needs are consulted in a variety of ways at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School. We have parent’s evenings for every year group where parents can access someone from the Inclusion team.  At transition points, the Inclusion team will provide key information to parents.  Each student with a Statement of special needs/Education, Health and Care Plan will have an annual review to meet formally with parents, SENCo and other supporting agencies to review progress.  Those girls having interventions in school will be contacted in writing and meet with the SEN teacher and SENCo at parents' evenings or by prior arrangement.

Arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their children’s education:
Students with Statements/Education, Health and Care Plans are regularly consulted about their education.  They often have a unique knowledge of their own needs and their own views on the support they would like to help them achieve.  Those students with Education Support Plans are encouraged to participate in planning for their needs and in the setting of clear outcomes.  All students are encouraged to attend and participate in Student Voice and the School Council.

Arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils' progress towards outcomes:
Student progress is monitored regularly in school and all staff are responsible for assessing and reviewing that progress.  The Inclusion department has a variety of additional testing procedures in place to review progress before and after specific interventions have taken place.  Parents are contacted and supported by the Inclusion team.  Students who are identified as having difficulty making progress will also be assessed by outside agencies where applicable to advise teachers on the most effective strategies for support.

Arrangements for supporting pupils moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood:
The transition from primary to secondary school is very carefully implemented for students with special educational needs.  The Inclusion team visit the primary schools and meet staff to discuss each child as an individual.  Where the child has special educational provision, the SENCo and/or members of the Inclusion team will attend the primary school for meetings with staff, parents and students.  The SENCo will always attend or meet with representatives from the school when the student transferring has an Education and Health Care Plan.

In year 9, all students with a special educational need are supported, with their parents throughout the options process and are made aware of the full range of GCSE and vocational courses that are appropriately challenging and which meet the intended outcomes in the EHCPlan or Education Support Plan.

Post-16, all students with an EHCPlan and their parents receive a careers interview supported by a member of the Inclusion team.

The approach to teaching pupils with SEN:
Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School provides excellent academic opportunities for all students including those with special educational needs.  Students are supported in mainstream, mixed ability classes or in some subjects in sets and given targeted, structured interventions when necessary.  The SENCo provides all staff with regular updates on students with SEN circulating strategies and recommendations for the ways in which students should be taught and given access to the curriculum.  All staff are given CPD on particular aspects of special educational needs both from expertise within the school and from specialist professionals.

How adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environment of pupils with SEN:
Adaptations are made for the curriculum where necessary.  Students particular physical needs are catered for within mainstream classes and these may include seating plans for clear view, hearing needs, proximity to day light and specialist support equipment – on-line magnification, radio hearing systems.  Provision accessed by students may also include in class support with members of the Inclusion team, occasional withdrawal to work with a learning support assistant, specific and targeted interventions, off-site and vocational courses for targeted students and access arrangements for examinations.

Additional support for learning that is available for pupils with SEN:
Learning Support Assistants work in class and across subjects to support students with SEN where applicable.  Some SEN students may need interventions in small groups or one-to-one for between 6 and 20 weeks in order to achieve in academic subjects or to support social and emotional development. Mentoring for SEN students is available.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEND:
The effectiveness of provision for students with SEN is evaluated in a variety of ways.  A survey of parents at annual reviews gives feedback on the provision offered to their children.  The effectiveness of interventions is evaluated through analysis of data from the baseline on entry to the intervention, formative and summative assessments.  The three points of data analysis across all subjects each year is scrutinised and provision adjusted if necessary.

How children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people who do not have SEN:
All students at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School are invited to take part in a variety of activities.  Students with special educational needs are provided with equal access to all lessons, trips, clubs and activities.  The Inclusion department offers provision for supporting students with special education needs where necessary in order to ensure these students have access to the same activities as others.

Support for improving emotional and social development:
The inclusion team work closely with the pastoral teams to provide the students with a programme that supports social emotional and mental health.  Students have access to mentoring which can be individual or group dependent on need and which can be accessed in the same way as other academic interventions though identification of need by staff or referred by parents.  The school works with external provision and professional agencies such as CAMHS, Tavistock and links closely with the Local Authority advisory teams.

Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND about the provision made at the school:
In the first instance, complaints should be addressed to the SENCo and/or Line Manager for Inclusion. It may also be necessary to involve the Head Teacher. Complaints should follow the ‘Procedures for general complaints by parents/carers and pupils’ and ‘Procedures for other complaints’ in the school’s ‘Complaints Policy’ which is available on the school website.

If a complaint or dispute is not resolved at the school level, parents may seek advice on resolving disagreements from the Local Authority, independent mediation or, in the case of statutory assessment, SENDIST.

Expertise and training of staff to support young people with SEND, including how expertise can be secured:
The SENCo is an experienced qualified teacher who is undertaking the National SENCo award training.  In addition, we have in place a qualified intervention teacher with experience of primary and secondary teaching and a specialist EAL teacher.  There are eight Learning Support Assistants specialising in different areas of need, including an experienced Senior Learning Mentor who provide in class support and withdrawal groups.

The SENCo offers CPD as part of staff INSET to up-skill teachers in areas of special need. 

Be-spoke resources are available to all staff under the different areas of need.  These include Advice Sheets, Education Support Plans and practical advice through linked department support staff.

How are equipment and facilities to support students with SEN secured?
Links with outside agencies ensure that those students with an identified need for specialist equipment will be given access to and training on any equipment which will remove barriers to learning.

Additional Information
Additional information regarding the offer for those with special educational needs at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School can be found in the schools SEN policy.  Information about services available in the London Borough of Barnet can be found in the Local Offer on the Barnet website.


For further information regarding the Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School SEN Information report, please contact:

Ceri Matty  Email: